Friday, May 6, 2011

Gomorrah (Camorra) Review

This factual yet drama based film was a huge advancement in Mafia film history. The average U.S citizen is somewhat enformed about the Mafia and organized crime. But what people usually dont know is that the Mafia was originated in Sicily and is actually quite different from the Camorra who is a mafia like organized crime ring that is native to Campania or modern day Naples, Italy.

The main things seperating the Camorra and the Mafia is their strutcture. The Mafia having a more ladder like structure where every group of soilders has a captain or capo to answer to. In the Camorra there is a head don and then below that everyother man is equal of power.

This film was ground breaking in it's ability to capture a very documentary, realism styled film, viewing very real, very serious issues this world has with organized crime. This gave viewers a not so stereotypical view into the life of 5 Camorra members and how the crime ring has for the most part negitivley effected their lives. The choice to use two teens as some of the main characters to show just how young of an age and how directly this evil crime syndacite is affecting. This was a very crucially realistic and brute way to captivate the imagination of the audience.

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