Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Bicycle Thief Review

     The re-occuring theme here in most Italian cinema is the good sided nature that Italians bring to the silver screen. They are romantically known for their compassion and painstaking love they have towards another family memeber or dear friend. Although this film is not a romance film, it reflect on that light in all the right places. I agree the movie could be a bit of a bore and depressing but the black and white film doesn't do it any justice. I think that this poor father and husband is doing everything he can to welcome his family into the world, his wife is very patient but still over consumed with everyday frsuteration. the bike also plays as a wonderful symbol or acting devise on screen, the amount of sacrafise and desperation all put into this one tool to be the deciding factor wheather this family will make it or crack is amazing on film.

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